Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A little bit o this

Beautiful weekend in wonderful Milwaukee, WI. I started the weekend right with some disc golf and beers. Mmmm beer.

I got to spend the evening with our three lovely pups while the lady was out of town getting ready for a triathlon.

Saturday was a blast. I got to absorb as many uv rays as I felt needed as relax while Meghan swam 1 mile, biked 25, and ran another 6.5 :)

Follow that up with some victory beers, and it was the recipe for a GREAT weekend!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More injuries...

So this weekend, for the 575th time of this 2012 MLB season, we've got a few more Brewer's injured.

Newest to the list- Jonathon Lucroy.  In a case of "you've got to be kidding me", the consensus hottest player on the team has sucommbed to one of the oddest injuries since the case of "salad tongs".

Adam McCalvy had the story of Lucroy-

He was reaching under his hotel room bed Sunday night for a lost sock when his wife shifted a suitcase, which fell on Lucroy’s hand.

This has pretty much summed the season up as a whole this far.  Just weird, followed by sighs.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


As the initial post of what could be an enjoyable new project, I guess I should fill you in on what this will cover!


Pretty self explanatory, hey?  Well for starters, this are two of my favorite topics.  Much easier to narrow it down than talk about other things I like, but don't know so well. 

I've played and watched baseball  since I was a wee lad of four years old.  Music didn't enter my life until much later, but they provide a sort of yin and yang of needs- baseball is a peaceful, long game at times, and punk rock is a fast, in your face experience. Scales are nice and even now!

I will be posting as often as possible, or when baseball or music thoughts warrant.  Enjoy, as I live you with a little video of a song I listened to earlier this evening.